Pioneer Project |
OBJECTIVES The main purpose of pioneer Child Project is to provide needy children with love and care for all the basic needs as well as spiritual ones in form of literacy, training in organic farming and technical skills with the aim to release them as self-reliant into the society
Specific Objectives a) To raise, mobilise and distribute funds and other resources for promotion of the objects of Pioneer Child Project. b) To establish homes where parent- and/or homeless children live together with the staff in a friendly, family like atmosphere. c) To acquire a small, efficient staff of volunteers which does the work in house and garden together with the children d) To help needy children raising funds for their school fees, school uniforms, school books and or provide the needed amount or part of it directly from our funds. e) To grow vegetables, maize fruit trees on our own ground and also to keep farm animals to keep the expenses for food low and to be as much as possible self-sufficient. f) To establish income generating projects to help carry out groups project’s expenses. g) To create, lend, buy, lease, rent movable and immovable properties according to Pioneer Child Project’s needs and sell, dispose, lease etc. them when they aren’t needed anymore. h) To enter into any arrangement with any governmental authority, NGO or Company that may seem conductive to Pioneer Child Project’s objectives or any of them and to obtain from such an organization any rights, privileges and concessions which Pioneer Child Project may deem desirable to obtain. i) To apply to any governments or authority, public bodies, corporations, companies or persons for and to accept grants or gift of money and any movable or immovable property, donations, gifts, subscriptions and other assistance with a view to promote the objects of Pioneer Child Project. j) To establish an endowment fund to receive grants, donations, gifts and other assistance in any form from Kenya or from any other source for one or more of the objects of pioneer Child Project and to establish non-profit making foundations in any country for the purpose of receiving donations from private and corporate persons and for channelling the same to pioneer Child Project’s development operations. k) To draw, execute or otherwise deal with negotiable or transferable instruments. l) To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to attainment of any of the above objects m) To invest the money not immediately required in any of the modes of investment of trust moneys or in such other manner as Pioneer Child Project’s board may think fit.
The Co-ordinator, Pioneer Child Project, Kenya. Okuro House, P. O. Box 6550 Kisumu. Tel. 057 -23310 Mobile: 0724-226445
Project Location - Kisumu District Proposal Made to (Funding Organization/Donor) - The Nile Basin Initiative Name and Title of Contact person(s) - James J. Owuor Postal Address of project - P. O. Box, 6550 Kisumu Physical address - Kanyakwar, Kisumu E-Mail address -
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Pioneer Child Project was founded in the year 2002 by. And registered as a CBO within Kisumu City Council and later as an NGO (Reg. Certificate No OP.218/2001/0288/2088 dated 20th December, 2001. It is mandated to carry out youth empowerment aimed at enabling them to realize their full potential thus becoming useful citizens. We are committed to facilitating participatory youth development programmes involving both sides of gender in order to guarantee sustainability.
Since its founding Pioneer Child Project has been able to implement a number of projects including environmental clean up days, HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns, commissioning of water projects for community members, Implementation of these activities has been made possible with the financial, human and material support of various partners. Some of the partners include Lake Victoria Trust fund, social Needs Network, Kisumu –Core Association, ABC youth
The major problems affecting the youth of this region include poverty, lack of employment opportunities, failure to get guidance and skills to create alternative employment opportunities. These problems have been compounded by the unhealthy environment in which the youth have to live. These have resulted in rampant existence of preventable diseases that tend to weaken the capacities of the youth to perform productive work.
Pioneer Child Project has identified environmental issues that affect the local population, especially the youth, and has planned participatory interventions to help scale them down. The Organization is seeking small funding, amounting to Kshs 546,000 only to facilitate effective implementation of the same.
The organization has the skilled personnel that would ensure high standards of design and implementation of the project are met. The Organization is headed by a director who would ensure all funds donated are utilized to the best advantage of the population and proper accountability provided to all stakeholders at the end of the implementation period.
Pioneer Child Project believes in cooperation rather than competition. In this respect it will make an inventory of all partners it is in collaboration with. We view collaboration as necessary arrangement to create the desired synergy based on enhanced capacity. Funding partners will be given similar consideration and accorded the fitting publicity irrespective of form and/or magnitude of contribution.
Environment related hazards are rampant and on the increase in major towns throughout Kenya today. Some of these include uncollected garbage, overflowing sewerage systems, and uncontrolled waste disposal including human waste, garbage, and sullage. Slum dwellings are constructed without due regard to potential disasters e.g. flooding, fire breakouts and epidemics. Although Government policies exist with respect of management of environmental issues public awareness and enforcement of the same are still unsatisfactory.
The National Environmental management Authority (NEMA) has been able to review and improve on the policies with little success. Whereas NEMA has been able to deal with multi-national companies reasonably with the view adhering to the minimum standards for environmental safety rules, very little has been achieved with respect to public education on environmental concerns.
In Kisumu City, particularly, environmental concerns are enormous. A survey conducted by SANA International in the year 2002 revealed that over 40% of the population is ignorant of the dangers posed by living in unsafe environment. There is mushrooming of poorly planned slum dwellings, mounds of uncollected garbage are commonplace within the settlement areas while sewage spillages are everywhere. To the residents it is life as usual oblivious of the looming human catastrophe. If the recent clean-up events witnessed in Nairobi’s Wakulima Market and the Eldoret Market are anything to go by, where thousands of rats were killed, then, Kisumu sits on a worse time Bomb. It is believed tens of thousands of rats are resident in the huge mounds of garbage. Typhoid, malaria, Diarrhoeal diseases, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections are endemic in Kisumu.
The Kisumu City Authority pays little attention to the environmental concern of its residents. The population is not able to recollect when they last saw spraying of the mosquito hideouts with the insecticides as it used to happen in the olden days. Leaking sewers are never attended to while garbage collection is non-existent let alone provision of dust bins at household level. Flooding by storm waters as well as stagnant waters is common due to blocked drains.
The serious environmental situation in Kisumu cannot just be wished away since it will not just go. Deliberate action must be taken in a concerted manner. Pioneer Child Project has the human capacity to provide positive awareness through well-planned participatory community education and action. However the same might not be realized due to inadequate financial and material resources at the organization.
GOAL: All residents of Kisumu City Council live in a sustainable conducive and human friendly environment.
OBJECTIVE: By end the project period, 10% additional population of the Kisumu City Council would have become aware and willingly implementing positive environmental practices, thus, reducing environmental hazards.
STRATEGIES: Community participation Collaboration and networking Partnership and all inclusive Professionalism and liaison with NEMA etc Community based/owned plans
JUSTIFICTION: “Our Environment is our future.” “Conserving the environment is securing the future of our population and mankind in general.” Prof Wangari Mathai during her address to the intentional community in Oslo-Norway (2004), on the occasion of receiving Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of her contribution to the environmental issues.
That all the said life threatening environmental problems abound within Kisumu City despite existence of established authority is manifestation of lack of care for the human life and safety. That a large population of the residents of the City involve in practices that pose threat to their own life is manifestation of the level of lack of awareness and / or the absence of provider of the same to the population. That too few are involved in interventions that address participatory environmental health projects within the City Council, is manifestation of the shortage of resources and or the lack of deliberate plans to address the problem. Pioneer Child Project has the human resource but lacks the corresponding financial and material resources to effectively facilitate the intervention that would contribute to providing sustainable environment conducive for human habitation.
ACTIVITIES: Pioneer Child Project will implement the following, among other broad activities, aimed at realizing the stated objective of the proposed project:
EXPECTED RESULTS: The following are some of the expected results when the project is successfully implemented:
BUDGET: To be able to effectively implement the proposed activities, a small budget has been drawn. The same has been requested for funding by the Nile Basin Initiative facility. (See separate sheet) |