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About Chawema e.V.
Chawema was founded by M.J. Obeto with group of fellow Kenyans with the purpose of making a contribution to the Kenyans communities around the city of Hamburg.The idea started in 1.08.1992 after a committee members consisting of M.J. Obeto, Connie Finlayson, Evans Mundia, Prof. Tom Ogada and RA Frank Schilling realized the need of Kenyans in Hamburg to create a forum to exchange views in order to find out the possibilities of forming a Kenyan organisation.

It was then in March 2nd. 1993 that the first five founding committee members under the leadership of Obeto agreed to register the organisation and a result they embraced the name “Chawema. e.V.” Hamburg.

In the past sixteen years we had make a great progress in matters of national, social and local interest. Through our social and public information programmes we had develop a wide range of activities which brought a considerable credibility in the eyes of the citizen of Hamburg society, this include discussion forum, cultural events, exhibitions and seminars.

The aims and goals of the union is to be platform for meeting of the advancement of Kenyans community with the purpose to activate programmes and projects of social interest by organizing academic forums, seminars, conferences, lectures and public forum meeting. The Union shall participate in academic, political or socio-economic discussions if the subject is within the mandate of Chawema.

Our vision is to boost the social, exchange programmes, education, political and business ties between Germany and the people of Kenya.

Structure of Chawema e.V.

Executive Committee:
1. President: 2. Vice President:
3. Secretary of Finance and Economic Matters
4. Executive officer

Active Members:

Code of Conduct:: Membership is open to all persons who are able use their services, courage and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination.Chawema shall not bar or refuse a person from being a member on the basis of race, religious beliefs, handicap, gender, or sexual preference.

Honorary Members:
Distinguished members of high profile who could bring ideas of high interest in the union and whose expertise will be to participate and contribute to the aims and goal of Chawema and shall be conferred honorary membership upon clarification. The status of “Honorary” member shall also be extended to individuals and institutions who have contributed remarkably to the welfare and interest of Kenyans Abroad

Associate Members:
Associate membership shall be extended to those who have an interest in the Union. An associate member shall pay associate membership dues. An associate member shall have the right to speak but not to vote.

Membership is considered valid only after being confirmed by the Executive Committee and the Members.

The Executive
Chawema e.V. Hamburg
(Chama cha Wakenya pamoja na Maendeleo)
President M.J. Obeto
V/President Agnes Kavaller
Secretary of Finance Isabella Odhiambo
Executive Officer/Administrator - Vacant

Chawema members meet every first Friday of the end month at 8.00 PM
Café Why Not?
Marktstr. 55, 20357 Hamburg
Registered in Hamburg. VR:13864
TaxNr. 17/40008575